Membership Requirements
Membership within Omega Beta Iota is based strictly on an applicant successfully demonstrating their osteopathic political experience through the completion of several requirements.
An applicant must meet all requirements listed in category 1 and at least one requirement in both category 2 and category 3.
The more involved an applicant is, the greater their chances are of being inducted. Ultimately, it is up to the discretion of the National Board if an individual meets the criteria for induction into Omega Beta Iota.
Category 1
Membership in the American Osteopathic Association (AOA).
Successful completion of a minimum of one semester of medical school.
Submission of a completed, official ΩBI application prior to the determined deadline.
Category 2
Membership in the Student Osteopathic Medical Association (SOMA).
Membership in your respective State Osteopathic Medical Association (i.e. if the applicant goes to school in Florida, the applicant should be a member of FOMA).
Participation in American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine (AACOM) “Ed to Med” national grassroots advocacy campaign as a Student Ambassador
Leadership role in Student Government Association (e.g. President or VP for COSGP/SGA)
Leadership role in Student Osteopathic Medical Association (e.g. President, NLO, or Task Force Chair for SOMA)
Leadership role in National SOMA, National COSGP Executive Board, or AOF
Osteopathic Political Action Committee (OPAC) Student Chairman’s Club Membership- highly considered
Category 3
Past participant of DO Day on Capitol Hill, COM Day on Capitol Hill, or applicant’s respective state DO Day, SOMA’s Day of Advocacy, Bureau of Emerging Leaders event, National Osteopathic Student Caucus, or achieve gold rank through the Osteopathic Advocacy Network
Participation in advocacy building activities: Summer Leadership Meeting (SOMA), OMED (SOMA), or any other advocacy event.
Participation of any House of Delegates event (SOMA, AOA, state organizations, specialty college, etc)
Category 4
Author, co-author, or aid in creation of resolution submitted to SOMA, AOA, state organization House of Delegates.
Participation in local/state/national political campaigns
Participation in OBI/OPAC Education Series
Letter of Recommendation
Submission of a letter of recommendation from a physician (D.O. or M.D.), AND/OR faculty/administrator/physician who is involved with national, state, or specialty advocacy or policy and can attest to the applicant’s political involvement.