Omega Beta Iota National Board Application
Applications for the 2024-2025
OBI National Board are now open!
We encourage all existing OBI members to apply for the OBI National Board. We are looking for highly motivated, enthusiastic, and politically involved students who show passion for advocacy and leadership.
ΩΒΙ National Board Positions for the 2024-2025 Term
· National Director
· National Operations Chair
· National Membership Chair
· National OBI-OPAC Liaison (serves a 2 year term)
· Public Relations Director
· National Advocacy Liaison
· National Recruitment Liaison
Responsibilities for each position can be found here.
If you are interested in holding a ΩΒΙ National Board Position, please fill out the application above by 11:59 pm EST, March 8, 2024.
In your Letter of Intent, please indicate your reason for applying for said position(s), specify relevant qualifications, outline plans and/or goals for the position(s), and method of execution of stated plans and/or goals.
Note: If you are interested in multiple positions, please rank them in order of preference in your both your email and Letter of Intent.
If you have any questions, please email National Membership Chair Syed Rizvi at OBIMembershipChair@gmail.com.